Senin, 02 Januari 2012


I meet thousands of people, and then I meet on person and my life is changed forever.

You're so smart to make me fall in love,
and aware to learn more about love 
You're so beautiful to make me happy,

and I was forgot of the past
You're too interesting to make me feel perfectly,
and always smile when I sleep
You've been patiently to make me knelt to ask you fall back
as though i want to hang myself

With you, so sweet to be felt.
See you cry, it's cruel breaking my heart.
Letting you go, so hard to hold my tears.

Know you fall in love with someone else, too impossible when i believe to love again.

You're ruining my mind. 
When I can not persuade you back. 
Whatever's on your mind. 
I wish you knew how much I'm scared to see you fall in love with someone else.

It's toughest times for me.
To be sincere for love story in your trip.

I'll be waiting.. Wait to implant these thoughts in my mind.
That you not real.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012


Selamat Tahun Baru 2012
Not as previous years. I believe God has wonderful plans in this year.
Sepanjang malam saya menghabiskan waktu berkeliling kota Yogyakarta. Saya ingin mencari ketenangan, tapi tidak mungkin it's a new year... Sendiri, ya itu memang kebiasaan saya sekarang. Saya lbh baik sendiri daripada harus menghabiskan Tahun baru saya dgn senior ataupun org2 yang ga jelas. Ini Tahun pertama saya menghabiskan Tahun baru sendiri, tanpa teman, tanpa pacar, dan yang terpenting tanpa orang tua dan keluarga. tapi ini tidaklah suatu hal yang buruk, karena saya menghabiskan waktu tahun baru ini bersama Yesus. yes I'm with him. I am happy to be with him. I feel it...
Selamat Tahun Baru Bapa..
Selamat Tahun Baru Yesus
Selamat Tahun Baru Roh Kudus
Selamat Tahun Baru Mah..
Selamat Tahun Baru Rick
Selamat Tahun Baru Kak
Selamat Tahun Baru Ze
Selamat Tahun Baru Semuanya...
Saya rindu dengan kalian... :')
Saya tidak bisa tidur.. saya ingin menucapkan selamat Tahun baru kepada anda..RZ..yang sesekali apabila saya tidur, saya takut melewatkannya.. selisih 6 jam.. ya saya ingin mengucapkan itu kepada anda.. saya senang sampai saat ini masih mengenal anda. Walau mungkin itu sudah tidak sepenting dulu. karena anda sudah memiliki pilihan lain, dan mungkin akan mencari pilihan yg lain lg. tapi bukan untuk saya.. I miss U.. RZ

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


I want her to be happy.
No matter what that means.
I want her to find someone
to treat her with all the love
that she deserved from me.
I want her to meet someone
who’ll see her always
as I do now
through your eyes.. -bruce (I'm God)

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Maybe.. I wanna be a syndrome goldfield

Why do you come back when my heart was disappointed because of love.
Why do you say sorry when I might be trust you again.
Why do you come with the perfect woman today.
Why do you are come back with your shortcomings was closing over the years.

Why do you came so fast ..
Makes me hesitant to think someone that much I love ..

You.. I've ever loved ..
But not for this moment.. coz impossible for opportunities come to you in two times ..
For you 'RTW'
Maybe for me too (with 'RZ')

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

God.. Please help me..

I really2 love you ..
but ..
It's over
She doesn't want me anymore
She doesn't love me like the past
God ..
Help me to forget it
Help me to leave sweet memories with her

Help me to love someone else ..